
Closed until further notice.

This is not news. There has not been a substantial post in The Vending Room in over a year. It did serve as a minor outlet to keep some notes about my driving trip with Willis last summer, but it's time to close the doors. Reprisal to come.


something like a christmas cabaret.

i was cast in a version of the christmas carol this season to play bob cratchit at the bastrop opera house, but that production was cancelled, so we're doing this instead:

Saturday, December 17 & 18 at 8 p.m.
A Christmas Cabaret
A delightful presentation of music and fun.
Opening TONIGHT!
One weekend only!
Created and directed by Chester Eitze and David-Anthony Burger
Friday and Saturday Dec. 17 & 18 at 8 p.m.
All tickets are only $5 in appreciation of our theater audience's support for 2010.
Table seating.
BYOB: You may bring your own alcohol.

i am participating in 8th and 9th levels on the acting hierarchy, respectively--pantomime skit & schmoozy lounge singer.

this is going to be something you are not going to want to miss...and i think you know what i mean by that.


oh, canada.

willis went to canada.

on canada day.

after lunch...

he found himself at a free cannibus rally.

he might have gotten caught up with the wrong crowd...

and let things get out of hand.

there was a little scare at the border.

i tried to play it cool on his behalf.

but the authorities sensed he was suspicious.

luckily, he had 'destroyed' the evidence.

it's good to be free.

i can seattle from here.


willis's favorite landmark was the space needle. he thought it was his food bowl on a candelabra stand.

he lacks depth perception.

he made more new friends. he thanked one of them for their hospitality by peeing on the floor seven times.

it might have been because he was anxious to get to canada.

bend it like barry goldwater.

this trip has been good for willis if for nothing else, it has improved his social awareness. in bend, he made a new friend at the dog park...

...and listened intently as he talked about the importance of the republican filibuster.

haiku backwards.

all things northwest must go through ukiah.

where the great orchard family rules the land.

willis requested a stop to visit the ukiah brewing company.

i'm starting to wonder if i should be worried about his habits, especially after what happened in vegas...

willis lobbied for a detour through willits. it was not as clever as he thought it was.

willis enjoyed his time in ukiah. he marked his territory where great men once walked. it rhymed. it was like poetry.